Costa Rica Education vs. US Education
Paragraph About the Differences Between the Two Nations' Educations
Countries are unique for various things; education can be one of those things. I compared Costa Rica education with US education, and I found three major differences between the two countries’ education: language classes, the schedule, and universities. In Costa Rica, there are two language classes taken by students throughout their school lives: Spanish and English. In the US, Spanish, or any other foreign language for that matter, is only required to be taken 2 years. The two countries’ education’s schedules are very different as well. In the US, classes are held Monday to Friday unless there is a holiday or work day for the teachers. The normal school day is 6.5 hours. However, in Costa Rica, the schedule is extremely relaxed. The normal school day can be as short as 3.5 hours, and classes often release earlier than normal for varied reasons unknown to many students. Universities are also different in Costa Rica; there are hardly any there, so students have few choices when going to college. In the US, there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of universities to choose from, so every student can be satisfied with where he or she is going.
Spanish Sentences About Costa Rica Schools
1. En Costa Rica, los profesores son flojos.
2. Los estudiantes hay que aprender para siete años.
3. Los estudiantes no tienen mucha tarea.
Costa Rica Embassy in Washington, D.C.
I went on the Costa Rica Embassy in Washington D.C. website and contacted the Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, Education, and Protocol at
I think this activity was fairly difficult. I think this because I have difficulty researching a country I know hardly anything about. This activity helped me, though; I now know what to do if I have to research something, someone, or someplace on the Internet: I have to brainstorm. Brainstorming helped me get my facts in order, which really benefited me in the long run.